Our  Research Studies

Studies Accepting Referrals

All inquiries and referrals should be sent to: psychpgxlab@ucalgary.ca 

PGx-GAP: Pharmacogenetic-Guided Antidepressant Prescribing for Adolescents

Eligibility Criteria:

• Aged 12 - 17

Have depression diagnosed by your doctor

• Have tried an antidepressant called fluoxetine (Prozac) and it did not work or you had side effects

Will be starting a new antidepressant

Have not had pharmacogenetic testing before

PGx-STaR: Pharmacogenetics of Stimulant Treatment Response 

Eligibility Criteria:

• Aged 6 -17

Diagnosed with ADHD

• Starting methylphenidate for the first time

PGx-SParK: Pharmacogenetic-Supported Prescribing for Kids

Eligibility Criteria:

• Aged 6 - 24 years

• Will be starting or changing a psychiatric medication

• Testing requested by the treating physician licensed in Canada

• Reside in Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba

PGx-AID: Pharmacogenetics of Antidepressant Induced Disinhibition

Eligibility Criteria:

• Aged 6 - 24 years

Diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or OCD

Have experienced side-effects from an antidepressant

PROCLAIM: Pharmacogenetics of Clozapine-Induced Myocarditis 

Eligibility Criteria:

• Aged 18 or older

• Developed myocarditis after taking clozapine

Studies Not Accepting Referral 

PREEMPT: Pharmacogenetics Resource for Enhanced Education and Monitoring of Pharmacological Therapy

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